Monday, December 31, 2018

A year in the Here and Now under a Paradise Sky

Each year at this time I enjoying a game that involves answering questions, the same ones each year, using only the titles of books read that year. Let's see what happens.

Describe yourself: Ruined by Reading

How do you feel: Going Around in Academic Circles

Describe where you currently live: Here and Now

If you could go anywhere, where would you go: The Bookstore

What's your favorite form of transportation: Trains and Lovers

Your best friend is: Our Mutual Friend

You and your friends are: The Invisible Ones

What's the weather like where you are: Paradise Sky

What is the best advice you could give: The First 25 Years Are the Hardest

Thought for the day: No Time to Spare

How would you like to die: Die Laughing

What is your soul's present condition: The Heavenly Table

Well that was easier than I thought. Most of my answers even contain at least a grain of truth.

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