Monday, May 20, 2024

Thieving in Amsterdam

The Good Thief’s Guide to Amsterdam (2007), the second novel in Chris Evan’s Good Thief series, finds Charlie Howard in Amsterdam trying to work out a flaw in a novel about a thief he is trying to get ready for publication.

But Charlie, a writer, is also a thief, and he is enticed by another thief just out of prison to steal two seemingly worthless monkey figurines. At first he declines the offer, then changes his mind, only to find the other thief has been murdered by someone else who apparently wants those monkeys.

Soon Charlie finds himself a suspect in the murder case, as well as the target of two goons trying to steal the monkeys from him.

Despite the many complications Ewan weaves into his story, the plot never gets too complicated to follow. It remains a joy throughout.

Those who have enjoyed Lawrence Block’s Burglar series of mysteries will probably enjoy these, as well, although Ewan does seem to copy Block’s format a little too closely. Not only is his thief a hero in comparison wuth the worse criminals in the novels, but in both cases the thief has a female confident who is not a girlfriend but just someone to describe his adventures to in a lighthearted way.

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