Friday, June 7, 2024

Good for what ails you

Many people, myself among them, feel better at the mere sight of a book.

Jane Smiley

Jane Smiley
This sounds foolish, of course. Or at least it does to anyone who does not feel the same way Jane Smiley does.

Yet there are many other people who feel better at the sight of a flower garden. Or a baby. Or a sunset. Or a football game on television. Or a beautiful woman. Or a work of art. Chances are, for most of us, there is something the very sight of which uplifts our mood or takes our mind off our troubles. It may even temporarily relieve physical discomfort.

It's not just sights. Certain smells and certain sounds can work the same kind of magic.

Smiley doesn't seem to be talking about any particular book. Almost any book will do. Yet I'm sure the effect doubles when certain books come into sight. Certain other books might give someone a negative feeling.

Books I can remember reading with pleasure always give me a lift when I see them, whether in a bookstore or on my own shelf. Books I am eager to read pack almost as much power. If you follow this blog, you probably feel the same way.

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